It's weird to think that at the age of 26 I can feel less aware of who I am as a person than I did at 16. At 16, you have your whole life ahead of you. Senior year of high school had started. I was on Homecoming Court. President of our Community Service organization and knew I would be a Buckeye come the next Fall. Everything seemed so clear and easy.
Fast forward 10 years later and my high school dreams have come to a stand still. I've become the person I've never wanted to be. a 9 to 5-er, (more like 6:30 to 3), sitting behind a computer, pushing paper. My passion for life that I had at 16 is long gone. My drive for more is fading. I literally feel like I am drowning and there is no one around to pull me out.
Every day is a new opportunity for growth and change. Each morning promises a few more hours where I can make it right. Every smile from Chris tells me I am doing something right. Every kiss from Steve helps me to breathe. Every blog I read helps me understand that I am human and that though I feel ugly at times or more flaws seem to radiate across my being, I know that I am never alone.
The Write Curl Diary and SexLoveLiberation are two of my favorite blogs out. Its as if GG and Ev'Yan are the composers of my soul. These two ladies have touched me in ways those have known for years never can. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories and helping me share mine.
Sands, I love this post. It has touched me. I completely understand how you feel. I am going through a similar situation right now. You have the right attitude though. Things will turn around for you, for us!